Friday, 24 January 2014

Best Valentines Day Love Poem

Best-Valentines-Day-Love-PoExpress yourself with a classic love poem for Valentine's Day!

Some might say Shakespeare cornered the market on the best Valentine's Day quotes and poems, while other believe the work of Emily Dickinson or Robert Frost might be a better choice simply because they are easier to understand. Some would even go as far as to say that the best Valentines Day love poem is not found in published books but rather from your own heart and soul. Either way, even the old, "Roses are Red and Violets are Blue" line will trigger a smile.

Valentine’s Day and the Art of Poetry

Poetry is a great way to express one's feelings to another, and it is an even better way to shout them to the world. With Valentine's Day looming in the near future, thinking of the best Valentine's Day love poem to impress your significant other can be tricky, especially when you just don’t have the natural ability that is needed to create poetry. Then again, anyone can look deep within them and recognize the feeling they have for that special person. The only thing left to do is to put those feelings down on paper.
Remember, a poem doesn't have to rhyme or follow a specific of melody or rhythm, so don't make it any harder on yourself than it has to be by having to think of words that rhyme versus just writing your feelings out.
best_valentine_love_poemDoing a bit of research on some famous Valentine's Day quotes and poems might be the only option for those who consider themselves creatively challenged. The best Valentines Day love poems are commonly said to come from Shakespeare who was renowned for writing out the loveliest pieces that were fully focused on beautiful expressions of love. William Shakespeare was famous for his play writing but also for his sonnets such as Sonnet #18 that begins with the famous line, "Shall I compare thee to a summer's Day?" This sonnet is from the year 1609 and is a little tricky if you aren't familiar with Shakespearean text, but even if your comprehension isn't 100%, you can still appreciate Shakespeare for his perfect expression of incomparable love.
The best Valentine's Day love poem could equally come from Emily Dickinson for her dozens upon dozens of poetic and descriptive writings, while Elizabeth Barrett Browning and her famed "How Do I Love Thee" poem is also loved and used by millions.
Other famous Valentines Day quotes and poems include the work of William Blake and  Robert Frost. Pablo Neruda, Seamus Heaney, and Christina Rossetti are also good options for romantic poems.
Whatever poem you decide to offer to your lover this Valentine's Day, just let it come from the heart and you're bound to impress.

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